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What is new with us???

Bernadette van Klaveren

What is new with you????🐕

You have probably noticed that our classes and private lessons have moved to two new location for the summer months!

We are very excited to be able to host our sessions at the Nanaimo BCSPCA on Westwood road on Tuesday and Thursday night, and at Beban Park on Wednesday and Friday, with the Weekend classes and additional Wednesday night and daytime sessions at Various Cedar locations!

There are exciting program additions and changes on the horizon for late fall!

Right now the options are extensive: Scent work and Tracking foundations, Rally, REAL LIFE and the Good manners level 1 PUP AND UP is one of our most popular classes , with the NEXT LEVEL 2 class rounding out a good foundation for all youngsters!

Just like children go through kindergarten, elementary, high school and beyond, so do we need to guide our dogs from pups to youngsters to well adjusted adults with great social skills by using our brains, not our brawn !


Most clients have realistic expectation, and understand that a 4 or even a 6 month old pup does not know how our rules apply to them, but with just a little bit of SMART TRAINING, using resource the dog enjoys to guide them into good manners we can accomplish absolutely amazing results in a short time frame!

Just the other day I met a young cattle dog, who had been taken in from a rescue, with a history of being rehomed several times in the past 6 months....

The story was that the dog was unruly and barky with reactivity towards noises and dogs.

What a revelation the new owner had when we had our first session and quickly discovered that this dog is so incredibly quick in learning new skills, that it only took two repetitions before it completely understood what the goal of the various exercises was. No wonder he was action up and action out, he was continuously frustrated due to a lack of clear communication between handler and dog...

Often we are too quick in labeling the dogs with terms like: aggresive, unruly, obstinate, dumb....

Our mission is to help you to help your dog , to empower your dog to make choices you both can live with while working through our Force Free, Pain Free and Fear Free programs!

The BEST DOGS in Nanaimo Always Come to BEST PAW!!!!

Hope to see you soon in class, or on a walk in one of our beautiful parks!

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Hi Amy, We just opened up another Scent/ Tracking class starting on July 6, Saturday morning due to popular demand.

Hope you can join us with your gorgeous Golden boy soon!


Amy Gilchrist
Jun 05, 2024

Always good advise. I am looking forward to some future scent practice and super excited about yout new tracking option!

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