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Come bring your canine companion and join us at the waterfront for a snuffle and stroll. We will walk as a group, do a few training exercises and tricks, and spend some time outside with fellow dog people! Come to meet your best doggy friends!

Invitation open to all current and past Best Paw Forward and DAWG students! Please take into account that some dogs may find a large group overwhelming. If this is the case, give yourself some more space!

Bernadette, our head trainer, will lead your walk!

Bring yourself and your dog, treats and a toy, your dog's regular dog-friendly walking gear (harness/collar/head halter), a 4-6 foot leash, poo bags, and water for fido. Family and friends are welcome to join. Our first walk is the Halloween Howl Sunday, October 30th at 10 am at Maffeo Sutton Park. We will meet by the bathrooms (under the big canopy) and proceed from there! Feel free to dress up, or for dogs that are comfortable in costume bring your best-dressed furry friend (please ensure the costume is walk-friendly or you can take it off easily)! We would love to see you all! There is no charge to come and have a little fun with your bestie! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! Email works best for us!

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Have you heard of Rally Obedience?

Rally obedience focuses on using core obedience skills like heeling, sits, downs, recall and manoeuvering to navigate a course! It is great fun and a great way to advance your dog training skills!

This is a great video from AKC on what you can expect! You don't have to compete! You can also do this just for fun, but if you are interested it is a great way to get into competitive sports with your dog!

Would you like to join us for classes? You can book online

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Dog agility is some of the most fun you can have with your dog. Not only do you get to learn and build skills together, but both of you also get mental and physical exercise. Agility builds trust, focus, confidence, and physical and mental endurance.

Agility begins with foundation skills and an introduction to equipment. Then we build handling skills and distance so you can send your dog to perform equipment.

Here are the goals of agility:

  1. Play safe!

  2. Have fun!

  3. Work together!

Would you like to come to play with us? We have a couple of level 1 classes starting in September and you can book online!

We hope to see you soon!

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